
To use ArrayLSTM into your own project, you can use it as a standalone module. Here we show some simple examples on how to use the ArrayLSTM package in your own python code. For a complete documentation we refer to the Reference guide.


To import components from ArrayLSTM simply use the following format

from arrayLSTM import <Object>
from arrayLSTM.extensions import <Object>

For example, the following code imports the different LSTM objects as found in the Reference.

# Imports
from arrayLSTM            import LSTM
from arrayLSTM            import ArrayLSTM
from arrayLSTM.extensions import AttentionArrayLSTM
from arrayLSTM.extensions import StochasticArrayLSTM

Working example

In this example, we import all different LSTM implementations and use it to predict the next item in a sequence. First we import the necessary torch modules and different LSTMs that we want to use.

# Torch imports
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

# ArrayLSTM imports
from arrayLSTM            import LSTM
from arrayLSTM            import ArrayLSTM
from arrayLSTM.extensions import AttentionArrayLSTM
from arrayLSTM.extensions import StochasticArrayLSTM

Second, we generate some random data

# Parameters to use
n_samples   = 1024
seq_length  = 10
size_input  = 10
size_hidden = 128
size_output = 10
k           = 4

# Generate random input data
X = (size_input*torch.rand((n_samples, seq_length))).to(torch.int64)

Next, we create a Neural Network with our LSTM of choice. Please note that this is a very simple example in which we show how the StochasticArrayLSTM can be used as a simple module.

class MyNetwork(nn.Module):

  def __init__(self, size_input, size_hidden, size_output, k):
    # Call super method

    # Set variables
    self.size_input  = size_input
    self.size_hidden = size_hidden
    self.size_output = size_output
    self.k           = k

    # Initialise layers
    self.lstm    = StochasticArrayLSTM(size_input, size_hidden, k) # Use any LSTM of your choosing
    self.linear  = nn.Linear(size_hidden, size_output)
    self.softmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)

  def forward(self, X):
    # One-hot encode input - transforms input into one-hot-encoded input
    encoded = F.one_hot(X, self.size_input).to(torch.float32)

    # Pass through LSTM layer
    out, (hidden, state) = self.lstm(encoded)
    # Take hidden state as output
    hidden = hidden.squeeze(0)

    # Pass through linear layer
    out = self.linear(hidden)
    # Perform softmax and return
    return self.softmax(out)

Finally, we can call the network using the data and perform further training, which we leave up to the user.

# Create an instance of MyNetwork
net = MyNetwork(size_input, size_hidden, size_output, k)
# Pass the input data X through the network
output = net(X)